
This privacy policy explains how our website collects and makes use of personal data.

AR Safety, represented by the CEO, is the company’s data controller for personal data. Delegation of this responsibility is specified under each item. This delegation only covers tasks and not responsibilities. The policy contains the information to which you are entitled when we collect data from our website, cf. section 19 of the Norwegian Personal Data Act.

Processing of personal data at arsafety.no.

Our web editor is assigned daily responsibility for AR Safety’s processing of personal data at arsafety.no, unless otherwise specified below. Persons who visit the website voluntarily provide personal data for services, such as receiving a newsletter. The basis for processing is consent from the individual, unless otherwise specified.

NettStudio is AR Safety’s supplier of development, maintenance and operations for the website. Any data collected in connection with running the website is stored on the supplier’s own servers in Norway. Only AR Safety and NettStudio have access to the data collected.

Online statistics

AR Safety collects data on visits to arsafety.no. The purpose of this is to prepare statistics, which we use to improve and further develop the information provided on the website. The statistics provide us with information on e.g., how many persons visit the different pages, the length of each visit, which websites the users come from and the browsers used.

This data is processed as anonymous. Anonymous data means that we cannot trace the data we collect back to the individual user.

We use Google Analytics for analysis on our website. This does not allow for tracing/identification of users via IP addresses. AR Safety does not hand over information from this tool to other parties.


Cookies are small text files stored on your computer when you download a website.

It is not permitted to store and process this data unless the user has both been informed of this and consented to such processing. The user shall be informed of and approve the data to be processed, the purpose of processing and who processes the data, cf. section 2-7b of the Norwegian Electronic Communications Act.

If you want to reject cookies, you can change the settings in your browser so that you either block automatic download of cookies or that you have the choice to download each cookie individually. Cookies that have already been downloaded can be deleted from the browser.

For more information on procedure, please go to nettvett.no.

If you do not want cookies to be used, please refrain from visiting the website.


AR Safety makes use of HTTPS for secure communication between you and your computer/mobile device and the server that runs the website.